The Good & Bad Things About Community College

Even though I'm only going to be starting my second semester, I have already thought of a few things that make community college better than a University. But don't get me wrong, there are some things that just won't measure up to the actual college "experience" that you would get by going to a University.

The Good:
  • Flexible Schedules. They offer Days, Nights and Weekends
  • The cost. You can spend $30,000 on your entire education plus your degree, instead of a University where just one year will cost that much or more
  • You can pay as you go. You don't need to have all of your tuition before your start classes. Every time I mention that I am the one paying for my education all by myself, it makes me feel AWESOME.
  • If you go to a local community college, you will know your way around since your a local and there will most likely be people you know in your classes as well

The Bad:
  • No dorms or parties, so you won't get that actual college "experience"
  • For some people, they just want to get out of town and staying local means staying in the same area until your done with your degree
  • I'm actually proud of going to community college since I'm paying for it and not my parents, but for some it may seem embarassing to say "community college" instead of a prestigious University like Radford. 
  • No new scenery or meeting new people that aren't located in your home town          
 The bottom line is that if your parents don't have "funds" set up for you to go to a University or you're not going on a scholarship, Community college is your best bet. I feel good knowing I'm saving a ton of money and if I wanted to later on down the road, I could always transfer to a University if I have the money. 


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