I'm Mad At Myself

I'm very angry at the fact that I've wasted almost 3 years of my life working all the time instead of going to school full time like I wanted. I just found out I have a whole entire list of classes I have to take before I even want to consider applying to nursing school. This is a total set back! I know I have wrote about this before and complained how I want to act like a 20 year old instead of a 40 year old, but damn! Each semester I waste all of this time taking ONE class instead of taking like 4-6 classes to go towards nursing school. This sucks and I'm so mad I want to cry. I don't need to work full time and make the money I'm making (although it is very nice to have extra money to buy whatever I want). I should be focused on school and making good grades so that I can get accepted into nursing and start learning all of the hands on stuff. I guess I'm angry for wasting time and money and not acting like a typical 20 year old, who just goes to school and works at a department store somewhere to help buy school supplies and put gas into their car. Come January, I'm DEFINITELY not working full time anymore. It's time to do what I want and make myself happy. It may be hard at first adjusting to having less money, but I'll make it work and I know it will work out. In the end all of this will be worth it!


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