Cans for College

I started collecting aluminum cans months ago in an effort to get more money for my college education. Some people laugh at me but I don't really care. At least I'm helping to clean mother earth and earn some extra cash. Of course, the prices vary per pound in each state, but if you make a good effort to collect a lot, it can amount to a lot of money into your pocket. With this came my idea to help other people who want to further their education who can't afford it. The charity would be named Cans for College and there would be drop off sites for people to donate their cans. Then after the cans were turned in for money, the money would be given to people who need it. There is nothing more frustrating than when someone wants to go to college and cannot go because it is too expensive and they cannot afford it. I hope one day I can make this charitable dream a reality. Trust me, I'm in this boat now. I would love to have experienced the dorm life and have money my parents put away to go to a great university, but guess what? I can't. Even though I'm going to community college, it still gets costly especially for textbooks and other supplies. I'm really hoping that this will pay off by the beginning of January next year (2013) because that is when I will be going to school full time and I will need as much money as possible. If this doesn't work out for me, at least I can say I tried :)


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