What is the point of having a Facebook?

I ponder this question everyday. The original "purpose" was so that people could reconnect with friends and family and stay in touch. All I ever see on my Facebook feed is bitching, complaining, drama, how high/drunk people are and so on. The way I see it, if someone was really my friend, they would call, text and hang out with me on a regular basis, not like some of my pictures and statuses, say they want to chill, and then bullshit me. I post articles and fundraisers that I find interesting, I don't tag my toilet in a status while I'm using the bathroom. I think this whole social media thing has gotten out of hand. It is stupid. People that are neighbors won't walk outside to talk to each other but they will have full conversations on Facebook statuses. My point is that if people really cared about what went on in my life, they would be involved in my life face to face with me, not on my Facebook. I don't think people who could care less about me deserve to know what is going on in my life unless we talk on a daily basis. We all have "friends" on our sites that we either don't know at all, have met one time, or just don't talk to anymore. I'm thinking of deleting all of my social media accounts because honestly, the people that I actually need and want in my life see me everyday or almost everyday. That may sound harsh but it is the truth. I don't need onlookers logging on to a site just to creep and be nosy about what is going on in my life. If you actually care, be there in person, not behind a computer screen.


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