Day late, Dollar Short

     For the last two weeks I had picked up extra shifts at both of my jobs in hopes of making enough money to actually pay all of my bills due at the end of each month instead of playing the "which bill is more important to pay" game. Well those hopes were lost quickly because guess who is short $300? This girl.
     I've been applying for jobs closer to home and ones that pay the same or even higher. Between both checks I received $378. My car note is $280. That leaves me with $98 to split up and put towards my credit card bill ($25 minimum), my school loan payment ($25 minimum), and $38 left to go towards my furniture payment or my phone bill which is $46 total. Somehow I still need to find $115 for my car insurance, $131 for cable and internet, and the remainder of my phone bill. So needless to say that every penny of this paycheck is going straight towards bills and I will have no gas money or grocery money.
     Since I failed my last term and have to retake it, I now have 284 left until I graduate and hopefully pass the nclex so I can make decent money as an LPN. It is honestly frustrating that bills are so expensive. I'm trying to better myself and career yet I'm falling further and further into debt. I feel like a burden to my boyfriend and family when they feel the need to offer to pay my bills, buy me groceries, or put gas in my car. I'm not used to having people pay for my things when up until this point I depended on no one but myself to survive and pay my way.
     I'm trying every way possible to make money while making good grades in school. Working both jobs and going to full time school is exhausting and I still need to have time to rest, do projects, and study. Finding a job closer to home is what I'm trying to get so I don't have to worry about gas money or as much car maintenance. I've applied for every discount on each of my bills possible if they offer them. I really don't know what else to do besides leave school to work full time but that will only push me back further and who knows, I may not even go back to finish my degree if I take a hiatus.
     I don't want to be rich I just want to pay all of my bills and start eliminating this debt that is lingering over my head and my credit score. I keep contemplating if this stress is worth it. I'll obviously be paying on this debt for a while as nursing school isn't cheap or easy, but there has to be an easier way to make my ends meet aside from working all the time and being in school when I'm not at work.


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