Taking a Leap of Faith

     Going from working two full time jobs and full time school at night to part time work and full time school is a major adjustment and I was not ready for what I have gotten myself into. Why did I stop doing both full time? I was very stressed, unhappy, and depressed. My grades were slipping and so was my attitude and motivation. So I took a leap of faith and decided to test out the "full time student" life. Let's just say that it is nothing like I hoped it would be.
     I quit going to community college a while back because it seemed like a waste of my time and money. They were making me take pre-requisites before taking the actual pre-req I needed for nursing school. I found an LPN program near me and started this past January. It isn't hard but the work to make the grades can be exhausting. Before switching to a full time day student, I was working 7-3 then going to school in the evening 5:30-10:30 five days a week. I had no time for my family, boyfriend, or myself. I needed to relax sometimes too.
     The first two months after taking my leap of faith was okay. I had some money left over from my full time paychecks that helped me make it through. Last month all of that changed. I had to take out a loan just to buy some  groceries. I also had to deffer my first car payment. My cable company is working with me thankfully. I feel like a burden when I have to ask my parents to borrow $20 for gas or ask if I can eat dinner with them since I'm so broke. I have to pick and choose which bills are most important to pay. Sometimes my paychecks are only enough for one bill and I'm left scrambling to come up with car insurance money or my credit card payment.
     I love nursing school but this is the most stressful experience of my life. I know in the end it will all pay off but I need these last nine months to go by faster. I can't wait to start working full time again and start paying off debt and catching up on other bills. My advice to anyone out there debating on becoming a full time student is to really take into account all of your bills before leaping. At the end of the day, do what makes you happy and if your career is more important than your minimum wage job, you'll make the right choice for yourself.Just know that everything will work itself out, eventually.


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