No Desire or Drive

     I don't know if it is because I failed my recent term of nursing school and have had to start over or if I'm just stressed and tired and over being broke or all of the above. I'm beginning to really contemplate if I even want to continue with nursing school. I feel like the more I try to get ahead and study for tests and do well on projects, it leads me to nowhere. I failed my last term and I was trying my hardest to pass. The instructors at my school have a lot to do with my feelings as well. Some of them want to actually teach you and help you to succeed, while other (like the one I have now for the second time) don't do anything but read off a power point and expect you to teach yourself. I do not learn like that.
     Clinical is a huge waste of time for me because we are assigned to patients in these nursing homes that are total care. I already do that at work. I know how to change a brief, feed, and give a shower or bed bath. Let me do things I've never done like insert a foley catheter or wound care. CNAs should be allowed to sign a waiver to miss first clinical since we only do cna skills. I know at some point that we will be able to perform other skills we have learned but I'm impatient and I do not feel like waiting. There are many other career options in the healthcare field that I have been debating about.
     Originally I wanted to become an ultrasound tech but the program had too many pre-requisites, just like any other program you want to attend to better your career and make decent money. I've also though about maybe doing physical therapy or becoming a nutritionist. I honestly don't know. Part of me feels like I should stick it out, push myself and try super hard to pass all my classes and clinicals, graduate, and be an awesome lpn. The other part of me wants to start working full time again, pay my bills, and enjoy life and stop being stressed out and over ran with homework, studying, and projects. All in all, I know the choice is up to me and I have to do what makes me happy


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