I Quit

     Yesterday was a sad, frustrating, and hectic day as was the day before. It was my weekend to work and we are ALWAYS short. I had been working on the memory care side for the last month and then yesterday when I looked at the assignment sheet they had put me on the assisted living side by myself for the first time in for ever. So all day I was running around getting people washed up and ready for breakfast and lunch. I did some laundry, changed some bed sheets, and so on. But by 1 p.m. I was exhausted. My feet and legs were killing me from working short Saturday and all day yesterday and they are still hurting today. I basically make around $260 a month since I only work every other weekend. My dad told me on Saturday after work that I could make the same amount of money or more working for him doing landscaping jobs with him. So yesterday I really debated about it and I wrote my notice for the DON saying yesterday was my last day. I was sad because I LOVE my residents. I LOVE being a cna. I DO NOT love always working short, running myself ragged, and still getting complained to from family members about how we need more staff and blah blah blah. That isn't my problem. I am not the person in charge of hiring and firing. When the administrative offices of facilities get unorganized and stop caring, their staff does too. I never callled out, I requested time off near the end of this month and it was denied because there was no one to replace me, and yesterday the Administrator asked me if I took my 30 minute lunch break. How am I supposed to take a break if I am the ONLY cna on the floor looking after these people? This is why facilities lose employees, especially good ones. I was wearing myself out trying to take care of all of the residents. I will miss my residents and some co workers but I will not miss the BS and being short.


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