No More Impulsive Decision Making

     It is now Wednesday and all I can think about is finances. Why the hell did I up and quit my job? My dad did say I could make the same or more landscaping with him but what am I supposed to do during my off time? Like this week for example. We off from school for a summer break. I wanted to pick up shifts at my job before I quit. The drive was ridiculous and working short every weekend and trying to meet the demands of the administrators and family members was frustrating. But I really should of thought it through before just impulsively quitting. I deferred my car payment this month which is embarrassing and I also missed a month on my car insurance which I didn't know about. That is part of the reason I signed up for auto pay right out of my account but somehow that got messed up and each month I have to call them. That is probably why I missed a payment. I have other things going on in my life and making phone calls tends to get pushed onto the back burner. I have 42 days until school is done and if I ever find another job in healthcare, I can work as many hours as possible to get caught up. I don't need to make millions. I just want to be financially stable and stop stressing over damn bills. Being an adult sucks sometimes, especially when I'm working hard to get ahead and feel like I'm being pushed back 10 steps each time. 


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