
Showing posts from September, 2016

My First Nursing Job!

     Today was an awesome Monday and a great start to the week! I am thrilled to begin working as a nurse and to start catching up on bills and also putting my nursing skills to use!

Time to Regain Control

     It is time to get back on track and start feeding my body the healthy foods it needs. I am tired of feeling sluggish and drained.

Preparing for NCLEX!

     I have exactly one month from Today to prepare myself for the NCLEX! I am nervous and also excited at the same time. Prayers needed for passing on the first try :)

Bills Aren't Going to Pay Themselves

     Now that I'm done with school and officially have my date for NCLEX (October 7), I'm trying to find a job that will allow me to work with my ATT letter. I had an interview last week but the lady said it takes about two weeks to find clinics that need me and then training will take another 4-6 weeks. It felt great going to an interview before I'm even licensed but at the same time I would like to find a place that will hire me and train me right away so I can start working. My bills are way behind since I haven't worked in two months. I really want to start working on paying off my car and catching up on all of the debt I owe for medical issues and things like that. The other thing that sucks is looking for jobs in my area and realizing there aren't many to choose from. It is kind of like LPNs are obsolete here in a way. Yea there are plenty of long term care positions but I do not want to work any weekends and I worked in LTC as a CNA. I'm ready to test all

Feature of the Week: Sorry Not Sorry Snarky Bar!

     This Snarky features natural sugar and oats to remove dry, dead skin, plus gentle shea butter, soothing honey, and milk to moisturize. Bring the nurturing effects of honey and milk into your next shower or bath with the perfect blend of light exfoliation. Get a gentle scrub with Sorry, Not Sorry Snarky Bar for $15.

Always Trust Your Gut Feeling

     For the last week or so, my boyfriend had started acting different toward me. He was agitated, seemed annoyed, and we weren't having sex at all. Today I kind of found the source for his distance. His mother had mailed his tablet since he left it at his parents house during our vacation. So being the nosy Nancy I am, I started snooping through his email and even tried getting into his Facebook. I found that he was sending himself screenshots of a girl that he had sexted before, about a year ago when we had just became a couple. With more digging, I found that he was getting nudes from other women while he was deployed as well. It bothers me that he is saving photos of this particular girl. I have been laying here in bed wondering what it is that makes her so special considering that they have never even met in person. Is my love not enough? Am I too fat and unattractive? Do I bore him? What does she have that I don't? This whole situation bothers me because for the last wee

Life After LPN School

     Some of my classmates have already received their ATT letter to pick a date and sit for the NCLEX. I'm stressing because I haven't received mine yet. I contacted Pearson Vue and tried contacting the Board of Nursing but they never picked up the phone. I want to pick my date and test ASAP while the information in my head is still fresh. As far as my routine goes, it feels pretty strange not having to wake up and go to class or clinical. I miss some of my classmates and I hope they are doing well. I am beyond ready to start working. My bills are still piling up. My boyfriend is paying my important ones like my car payment, rent, and so on. I just want to be able to start paying bills on my own again and stop asking for money to pay my bills. I feel like it stresses my boyfriend out because I know good and well it stresses me out. I'm glad that school is over. It was well worth the stress, tears, and smiles. Learning all of the skills I acquired makes me feel awesome. I c

LPN Pinning!

     I did it! I completed LPN school. I am currently waiting for my letter from state to take my NCLEX. I went to a job interview today and it went great! This was a rough 14 months of my life, but it was also the best and it is already paying off.

99 Days of Freedom Facebook Challenge

     Two days ago I signed up for this challenge/experiment to see what my life would be like and what I can accomplish being off of Facebook for 3 months. I am already accomplishing many things without checking my news feed every 30 minutes or being on there for hours due to boredom. I am already noticing that I want to check FB every time I'm bored and have nothing to do. I have debated on trying this challenge for a while and now is a good time to do it. This will give me more time to focus on studying for the NCLEX and looking for a job. I will miss scrolling through the feed when I'm bored. I will not miss seeing the same people complaining about things they could easily change if they got their life together or the people who brag about everything. The site you sign up on gives you an entry on survey about why your taking the challenge and from there they will email you after 33, 66, and 99 days of the challenge. If you have been debating on taking a break from Face