99 Days of Freedom Facebook Challenge


 Two days ago I signed up for this challenge/experiment to see what my life would be like and what I can accomplish being off of Facebook for 3 months. I am already accomplishing many things without checking my news feed every 30 minutes or being on there for hours due to boredom. I am already noticing that I want to check FB every time I'm bored and have nothing to do. I have debated on trying this challenge for a while and now is a good time to do it. This will give me more time to focus on studying for the NCLEX and looking for a job. I will miss scrolling through the feed when I'm bored. I will not miss seeing the same people complaining about things they could easily change if they got their life together or the people who brag about everything. The site you sign up on gives you an entry on survey about why your taking the challenge and from there they will email you after 33, 66, and 99 days of the challenge. If you have been debating on taking a break from Facebook, here is the site: http://99daysoffreedom.com/. Good Luck!


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