Always Trust Your Gut Feeling

     For the last week or so, my boyfriend had started acting different toward me. He was agitated, seemed annoyed, and we weren't having sex at all. Today I kind of found the source for his distance. His mother had mailed his tablet since he left it at his parents house during our vacation. So being the nosy Nancy I am, I started snooping through his email and even tried getting into his Facebook. I found that he was sending himself screenshots of a girl that he had sexted before, about a year ago when we had just became a couple. With more digging, I found that he was getting nudes from other women while he was deployed as well. It bothers me that he is saving photos of this particular girl. I have been laying here in bed wondering what it is that makes her so special considering that they have never even met in person. Is my love not enough? Am I too fat and unattractive? Do I bore him? What does she have that I don't? This whole situation bothers me because for the last week I have been asking my boyfriend if there is anything wrong, anything he needs to tell me, is he happy with our relationship, and I even asked if he was talking to other women. This happened the first couple of times I caught him sexting other females. I know, you're probably asking why my crazy ass stayed with him. I forgave but I didn't forget and the only reason was because there was never any physical evidence he was cheating or spending any of his time with other women because he was always with me. I gave him plenty of chances to admit his wrongs. Each time this has happened, my gut has told me something isn't right. In any situation I find myself in, I always listen to my gut because each time it has told me something is wrong, it has been. So today after I found this out and him and I exchanged texts, I told him I was done. I don't deserve to be shut out and have to find stuff out like this the hard way. Just be honest with me. If I am not enough just tell me, don't go behind my back and try to find what you really long for. I was heartbroken when he did this before but now I am just bitter. This just makes me believe that once a cheater, you're always a cheater, whether it is physical or not. Relationships can suck and this type of situation makes them suck even more.


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