I'm Bent, Not Broken

     Starting May 1st, I'm going dark and leaving some people and habits behind. I need to start focusing more on my emotions and deal with this anxiety and depression correctly. Drinking alcohol all the time to help me fall asleep and sometimes cry myself to sleep is not healthy. Lately I've been going out to drink and dance and one thing I noticed is how pathetic men can be. They expect you to sleep with them just because they buy you a drink which is ridiculous. What happened to the good old days when a guy actually asks to go on a date, take you dancing, go for ice cream, and then a cute good night kiss when he drops you off? I know there are still women out there thinking if this still exists. Maybe I'm just being bitter since I got dumped and had my heart crushed but I know one day there will be a guy who thinks I am everything he ever needed and wanted. Right now I'm bent but I'm not completely broken. I still have hopes that there are good guys out there somewhere looking for a nice girl who works her ass off and hold her own. In the meantime I'm just going to get my depression and anxiety under control.


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