Searching for A Second Job

     Working two jobs is something I never thought I would have to do again since I'm a nurse. When my former boyfriend was living with me he paid rent so instead of saving money, I put that money towards other bills and debt to get them paid off quicker. When he left me I was at a loss for words and now I'm realizing I need more money in order to stay afloat and stay ahead. I stress constantly due to my anxiety and now searching for another job has me even more stressed out. I need so many things for myself and for my house. There is no way I can afford to pay my bills and buy things I need (like a windshield for my car) with the amount of money I'm making. I'm not sure if I want to get a second part time nursing job like at a nursing home or if I want something different like waitressing or retail. My main goal is to get my car paid off, knock out my student loans, and buy the things I need and save some then I will quit the second job. I have worked so hard to get to where I am in life and I still feel like I'm in the same boat. I'm unhappy, depressed, stressed, and tired of dealing with the main issue in my life which is finances. It's not like I'm living outside of my means. I literally pay bills and stay home most of the time and I'm tired of this. I wish I could just enjoy life and stop stressing over finances.


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