Rest in Paradise Dad

     On Monday January 29, 2018, the man upstairs had bigger and better plans for you dad. I got the dreaded phone call at work that no one would ever want to receive. I was doing 105 mph on the interstate to get to you before they took you away from me. You looked so peaceful. I am so glad that you went in your sleep and not another way. This has already started off as the worst year of my life as well as the worst birthday in history. I am beyond happy that I came to see you on my birthday Sunday after I went to the gym. When I got to the house, you told me there were left over fried potatoes and onions in your fridge and that you had got me an ice cream cake. While I was making my plate of potatoes, you went into the living room and grabbed my birthday check. You even wrote "Not for bills, Happy Birthday" in the memo because you always knew I was stressing about paying the many bills I have. You kissed me on my right cheek and we hugged. I sat down at the table and started eating while you poured yourself another drink. We were watching some food show like we always did if there were no good concerts on the music channels. After I finished my potatoes I went for the cake. I kept complaining how I shouldn't be eating that stuff and you told me that "You only live once, there is nothing wrong with treating yourself. It's your birthday." Once I finished my cake we sat and talked about our normal things like work, how excited you were for your fishing tournaments to start, and how you just ordered $120 worth of fishing stuff from Bass Pro. I had to open the next day so you walked me to my car and told me you would be off early tomorrow (Monday) and for me to come down and eat dinner. I said okay I will. You told me you were going to get your medicine out of the truck and then you said I love you. I said I love you too and drove away looking forward to the next day, which I did not know would turn out to be the worst day of my life.
     You taught me so many life lessons. I have so many awesome memories to cherish forever. Like the one time we were fishing at Croatan beach and I caught my first flounder. Or the time I got my permit and your let me drive Whitey and I was curb hopping every where. You eventually told me to pull over and let you drive. You were there for me when my heart was broken twice by my boyfriends and you threatened to kill them. You told me I was stronger and better than them and I would be okay. There was one time we were fishing at your work and you ended up throwing up the cheetos you ate. It was so orange and gross and you said "Now I feel better, let's catch some fish." I remember you putting air in my tires and changing my oil because you would never let me do my own. We would always put your lures in your tackle box and I would help put the string on your reels. We both had our medical issues. I was always there with you while you were in the hospital with heart issues and you were always with me for my seizure issues. Each summer we would tackle Miss Pollys yard because her weeds were like a jungle. She was your favorite customer and she loved you so much. I couldn't have asked for a better father. You always taught me to be brave, stay strong and hold my ground. Now your children and the rest of your family have to keep your memory alive and continue your legacy. I love you daddy. Rest in paradise and please watch over us and guide us through this crazy, unexpected life. P.S. I'm still waiting on my sign from you so I know you're safe and at peace.


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