Where is My Motivation!?

     Recently I have had no motivation to go to the gym. Work is not enjoyable for me anymore and I just want to lay in bed and be left alone. I started off so well. I was in the gym 6 days a week and I started feeling good and looking good. I'm sure I feel this way due to all of the family things going on right now and losing my father. I've gained a lot of weight within the last two weeks due to stress eating. The foods I've been eating are ones I know I shouldn't be eating but I do. After I eat  I sk myself why would i eat that when I know I don't need it. Therapy is too expensive so I decided to buy an adult coloring book. It is actually soothing. It makes me feel calm and distracted. I know my motivation is somewhere inside I just have to really stick to a healthier lifestyle when I start over, yet again.


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