
     Lately I find myself asking "what am I doing with my life" more and more. I quit my job because I need a mental break. I have been trying to get my dads assets and finances straight, along with packing some of my things, selling his things, and trying to maintain my bills and household. I shouldn't have stopped working but I seriously was not here. I was just existing. The day my father passed away I was out for that whole week but it wasn't a fun week. I was planning his memorial and looking for documents and all kinds of things. When I ask myself what am I doing with my life, I don't know if it is in general or if I am just looking for things I need to change. I know for a fact I'm not happy. I've gained a lot of weight, I feel like crap, and my motivation does not exist. The fact that I failed my entrance exam for the RN program by ONE POINT doesn't help either. I just want to be happy. I want to be healthy and feel good. I want to make others feel good too. There is more to life than just working it all away. I just don't know what to do or where to start. Life doesn't come with a manual. You just live and learn and figure things out as you go along.


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