
Showing posts from September, 2012

Saving & Stressing

     I'm still saving as much money as possible so that I can start school full time in January. I look online everyday while I'm at work for a part time job and to be honest, if the job market continues to look the way it does now, I'm screwed come January. The hardest part is finding a place that will let me work with them a few nights a week while still working full time at my day job. My new schedule in January will be COMPLETELY different than the one I have now. Mondays and Wednesdays I will have school all day pretty much until about 4 p.m. Then on Tuesdays and Thursdays I will have my labs for Anatomy and Microbiology. Then on Fridays and maybe Saturdays, I plan on working to get a little more money if the company that decides to hire me will work with that schedule. I have never served and would love to try it since you can make great tips but all of the places I'm interested in want experienced servers so that it out. I would also love to work at Walmart or Ta

Time to Start Back Up

I haven't worked out to Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred in over a month. I don't know if it was because I started college again or if I just decided to let myself go and not care anymore. I haven't gained the weight I've lost back again, but I haven't lost any more either. In my head, I feel like I'm just built and made to be bigger than other people. I've dieted, exercised and worked my ass off to lose weight and nothing has really happened. I know you can't expect to drop 15 pounds in 2 weeks (in a healthy way) but I expected to lose a lot more than I did. I think my lack of motivation for working out may be coming from the fact that I'm burnt out. I'm tired of the same shit every day. I wake up, go to work, sit all day, go home, eat dinner, watch some tv, then go to sleep. Nothing exciting is happening in my life. Nursing school is truly the only thing I have to look forward to. Maybe if I had friends it would be different, but I don't so it


I'm not going to waste my time trying to chill with people anymore because they always come up with some lame ass excuse as to why they can't make it. If you don't want to chill with me, just tell me so that I can stop wasting my time trying to be your friend. I get so angry when I wait around for them to show up or call/text me and it either never happens or they do call and tell me their excuse. Hopefully when I start college full time and get a new job next semester, I will meet some new people who won't bullshit me.  I'm not going to apologize or feel sorry for myself since school, my career and my family are my main priorities. As far as Facebook goes, I'm not posting actual statuses about my life and updating people with what has been going on anymore because if I want you to know or if you care, you are most likely someone I see or talk to on a daily basis in PERSON, not on a computer. I think I may have written this in a previous blog post, but this time

I'm on the Right Track!

The nursing information session yesterday told me one thing and that was to keep doing what I'm doing. I've completed the required math classes and now I have 7 other classes that I HAVE to complete in order to apply to the program. They use a point system based on your grades, so the higher grades I make, the more likely I will be accepted. The lady said each semester they choose 64 applicants. They do have a list of alternates each semester in case someone who is chosen cannot start at the time due to life happening. I really hope I will be chosen the first time I apply. All this means for me is that when I start school full time next semester, I have to focus on my grades. I don't want to make anything less than a B in my classes so that I can get a lot of points. On the informational slide, it said that if you need to work, it should be MINIMAL. Do they understand that I will be traveling from a city about 30 minutes away everyday to attend lectures at this campus? I wi

Happy Hump Day!

Today I'm leaving work early to attend an orientation to healthcare at my community college. The only issue I'm having is that the campus is located in another city about 40 minutes away and it is the only campus that offers nursing. I'm really excited about it. With gas prices the way they are, I'm going to need to either move to that city to save money or work closer to the school so that I'm not going to all different cities spending hundreds in gas. I still haven't been accepted into the program since I have all of these other classes to take, but I have always been the type of person who plans ahead. I just want to be more than ready when it is time to cross a new bridge. It always seems like there is an obstacle in the way. Like at community college, you have to take these math essential courses just to take actual math classes like chemistry and stuff. I honestly think it is a way just for colleges to earn money. Anyways, happy hump day people and make th

It's been a Long Week

I am glad this week is finally over. My Friday has already turned crappy because I forgot to give the delivery the check for last month, so now after work, I have to go all the way to the other side of town and give it to the company in person since they don't make deliveries on Mondays. I'm avoiding Facebook for a while because all people are talking about is football and I'm not a huge fan of sports. I've been studying my ass off for my final unit test next Thursday. I just took the practice one on the class website and I didn't do so hot. If I don't pass the class this time, I will probably stop going to college all together because there is no point in wasting my money on a class that I will just keep failing. The good thing about the teacher I have for this class this semester is that she gives partial credit and points just for showing work and she gave us the descriptions of all 20 questions that will be on the test. She said if we were to fail all 4 word

Counting Down the Days

          I'm counting down the days I have left sitting in this desk chair. I am so excited to start a new beginning in January. I will probably feel VERY overwhelmed at first when I start college full time, but I know that this is the right thing to do. It has been so long since I have only worked a few days a week. I was like 15 or 16! I hope these 3 months fly by so I can get on with my life. I want to start catering to myself instead of everyone around me. And just a note for immature idiots that will be in my classes, I'm not going to put up with your high school bullshit, ESPECIALLY since I'm paying out of pocket for my classes. If you want to be immature, stay out of college until you're ready to handle it. The only thing I am starting to worry over is where I'm supposed to get a part time job that will work with my school schedule. I could try the malls, but most of the time they just hire for holiday help and then let you go. I really want to work at 5 Bel