Time to Start Back Up

I haven't worked out to Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred in over a month. I don't know if it was because I started college again or if I just decided to let myself go and not care anymore. I haven't gained the weight I've lost back again, but I haven't lost any more either. In my head, I feel like I'm just built and made to be bigger than other people. I've dieted, exercised and worked my ass off to lose weight and nothing has really happened. I know you can't expect to drop 15 pounds in 2 weeks (in a healthy way) but I expected to lose a lot more than I did. I think my lack of motivation for working out may be coming from the fact that I'm burnt out. I'm tired of the same shit every day. I wake up, go to work, sit all day, go home, eat dinner, watch some tv, then go to sleep. Nothing exciting is happening in my life. Nursing school is truly the only thing I have to look forward to. Maybe if I had friends it would be different, but I don't so it's me, myself and I and my family. Tonight I will work out and see how I feel. Maybe some endorphins will lighten my mood.


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