I'm on the Right Track!

The nursing information session yesterday told me one thing and that was to keep doing what I'm doing. I've completed the required math classes and now I have 7 other classes that I HAVE to complete in order to apply to the program. They use a point system based on your grades, so the higher grades I make, the more likely I will be accepted. The lady said each semester they choose 64 applicants. They do have a list of alternates each semester in case someone who is chosen cannot start at the time due to life happening. I really hope I will be chosen the first time I apply. All this means for me is that when I start school full time next semester, I have to focus on my grades. I don't want to make anything less than a B in my classes so that I can get a lot of points. On the informational slide, it said that if you need to work, it should be MINIMAL. Do they understand that I will be traveling from a city about 30 minutes away everyday to attend lectures at this campus? I will HAVE to make some income to pay for gas, car repairs and the supplies for nursing school, DUH. Money don't grow on trees people. I started thinking yesterday about the commute I will be taking if I'm accepted into the program. I don't understand why they can't offer nursing at each campus to help people save financially. I understand it would cost a lot of money to build those buildings but I think if more people knew there was one closer, more people would apply to go. Not everyone is going to want or be able to afford the commute. I hope by the time I apply to school, that they already put nursing on other campuses or I have enough money saved up for my daily trips.  With all of this said, I am very excited to begin this journey and January cannot come fast enough!


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