It's been a Long Week

I am glad this week is finally over. My Friday has already turned crappy because I forgot to give the delivery the check for last month, so now after work, I have to go all the way to the other side of town and give it to the company in person since they don't make deliveries on Mondays. I'm avoiding Facebook for a while because all people are talking about is football and I'm not a huge fan of sports. I've been studying my ass off for my final unit test next Thursday. I just took the practice one on the class website and I didn't do so hot. If I don't pass the class this time, I will probably stop going to college all together because there is no point in wasting my money on a class that I will just keep failing. The good thing about the teacher I have for this class this semester is that she gives partial credit and points just for showing work and she gave us the descriptions of all 20 questions that will be on the test. She said if we were to fail all 4 word problems (my enemy) then we could still pass with an 80. I kind of want to just take it and get it over with but at the same time I want to study to make sure I understand everything that will be on it. All I can do is try my hardest and hope for the best!


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