Counting Down the Days

          I'm counting down the days I have left sitting in this desk chair. I am so excited to start a new beginning in January. I will probably feel VERY overwhelmed at first when I start college full time, but I know that this is the right thing to do. It has been so long since I have only worked a few days a week. I was like 15 or 16! I hope these 3 months fly by so I can get on with my life. I want to start catering to myself instead of everyone around me. And just a note for immature idiots that will be in my classes, I'm not going to put up with your high school bullshit, ESPECIALLY since I'm paying out of pocket for my classes. If you want to be immature, stay out of college until you're ready to handle it. The only thing I am starting to worry over is where I'm supposed to get a part time job that will work with my school schedule. I could try the malls, but most of the time they just hire for holiday help and then let you go. I really want to work at 5 Below but they are never hiring! I do know that the part time job I want must involve me moving around and talking to people because let me tell ya, after sitting at a desk for 2 years not moving and lifting anything, I have a lot of catching up to do. I feel like a lard ass honestly, but I know I'm not lazy, this job just makes me seem like it.
          College classes are important to me now even though I'm only a part time student. But when I start full time, I am going to go go the library to study, tutoring and whatever else it takes to maintain a high GPA to be accepted into the nursing program. I cannot wait until I start taking actual nursing classes and doing clinicals and such. I feel like my life is finally falling into place and I am at a really happy point. And I'm feeling pretty confident about passing this math exam since I understand the material a lot better this time around. I'm glad that I have good priorities for myself and I don't plan on changing them for nothing or no one. I know that I have written about this stuff a thousand times, but I can't help it! I haven't been this excited in a long time.


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