I'm not going to waste my time trying to chill with people anymore because they always come up with some lame ass excuse as to why they can't make it. If you don't want to chill with me, just tell me so that I can stop wasting my time trying to be your friend. I get so angry when I wait around for them to show up or call/text me and it either never happens or they do call and tell me their excuse. Hopefully when I start college full time and get a new job next semester, I will meet some new people who won't bullshit me.  I'm not going to apologize or feel sorry for myself since school, my career and my family are my main priorities. As far as Facebook goes, I'm not posting actual statuses about my life and updating people with what has been going on anymore because if I want you to know or if you care, you are most likely someone I see or talk to on a daily basis in PERSON, not on a computer. I think I may have written this in a previous blog post, but this time I am very angry and tired of people in general. It's sad that I'm always someones "friend" when they need or want something but I'm never wanted or needed just to hang out or catch up. As many times as I've been bullshitted, I've finally learned to depend on no one and only depend on myself. I don't expect anyone to be there for me anymore because it is a waste of my time and energy.


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