Happy Hump Day!

Today I'm leaving work early to attend an orientation to healthcare at my community college. The only issue I'm having is that the campus is located in another city about 40 minutes away and it is the only campus that offers nursing. I'm really excited about it. With gas prices the way they are, I'm going to need to either move to that city to save money or work closer to the school so that I'm not going to all different cities spending hundreds in gas. I still haven't been accepted into the program since I have all of these other classes to take, but I have always been the type of person who plans ahead. I just want to be more than ready when it is time to cross a new bridge. It always seems like there is an obstacle in the way. Like at community college, you have to take these math essential courses just to take actual math classes like chemistry and stuff. I honestly think it is a way just for colleges to earn money. Anyways, happy hump day people and make this Wednesday a great one!


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