Saving & Stressing

     I'm still saving as much money as possible so that I can start school full time in January. I look online everyday while I'm at work for a part time job and to be honest, if the job market continues to look the way it does now, I'm screwed come January. The hardest part is finding a place that will let me work with them a few nights a week while still working full time at my day job. My new schedule in January will be COMPLETELY different than the one I have now. Mondays and Wednesdays I will have school all day pretty much until about 4 p.m. Then on Tuesdays and Thursdays I will have my labs for Anatomy and Microbiology. Then on Fridays and maybe Saturdays, I plan on working to get a little more money if the company that decides to hire me will work with that schedule. I have never served and would love to try it since you can make great tips but all of the places I'm interested in want experienced servers so that it out. I would also love to work at Walmart or Target but for some reason they don't like hiring enough people to open ALL registers for a faster checkout (especially Walmart). My ideal/dream part time job is working at 5 Below. For some reason I just really love that store. Every time I go in there the people are really nice and helpful.
     This is really stressing me out and I would hate to have to dip into my wisdom teeth removal fund just to get by until I find a good part time job that I actually like. I feel bad for parents who get laid off and are trying to find jobs to make ends meet. I now see why they are so stressed out. There are almost no jobs out there. And I don't mean to complain because I love Craigslist, but lately there has been nothing but scams in the job and housing sections. They should really step up their game and make it harder for low lifes to post postings just to scam innocent people. I really hope the economy turns around soon and not just for myself, but for everyone in this country as a whole. I feel bad for families who spent years climbing out of debt and now the bad economy has slowly lead them back into it. Celebrities and other famous people who make millions and billions have no idea how lucky they are. Some have more money than they could spend in a life time and instead of donating it or helping out those who truly need it, they hoard it in bank accounts or spend it on dumb shit like million dollar gold chains or really expensive cars. But I could write a whole other blog post about how I do not envy no more than 5 celebrities or famous people because they spend their money on stuff like that and do not help others. Anyways, I hope those who are looking for jobs including myself whether it be part time or full time, eventually find what we are looking for to get by. Have a great Friday and a GREAT weekend!


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