
Showing posts from February, 2013


     There isn't a set topic for this blog entry. It is going to be a rant of things that are currently on my mind driving me nuts. Just giving you readers a fair and early warning. Here it goes.      First off, my teacher has yet to post a rubric we need to use for our article review assignments. It is not due until after spring break which is a week away, but I like to get my shit done early so that it is one less thing I need to get to done. She is nice don't get me wrong, but I wish she was more on top of posting things on Blackboard. Also, some of the people in my class clearly are fresh out of high school. Their maturity level says it all. It's annoying when they talk while the teacher is talking and trying to explain things. Let me say I do turn into a mega bitch when I have to tell people like that to shut up because the government nor mommy/daddy are paying for my education. It all comes out of pocket, so when I tell you to please be quite, take that as a nice war

Certification Time!

     Yesterday at the CNA informational session, I realized I'm making the right choice. The instructor told us pretty much everything we needed to know about the program. She even told us what our certification test was on. We will have a 70 question written part of the state exam. Then they call 2 people at a time to perform a 25 minutes skills part. The lecture and clinical portion of the program will help prepare us for the state board exam.      Our uniforms will consist of white scrubs and white shoes. We will also need a stethoscope, the textbook,workbook, and a 2 step TB test. They just started doing background checks so I will need to get one of those as well. The lecture part is a total of 80 hours and the clinical part is a total of 40. We go to real nursing homes to do the clinical portion. The only thing that sucks about starting this is that I have to wait until the fall semester to start. The good thing is that the evening times will work perfect with my full time w

My rules for weight loss.

     Everyone has ways for themselves to lose weight. Some go on strict diets while others work multiple times a day. My schedule is kind of busy with work, school and many other things that I fit in on a daily basis. So here is a list of rules I have given myself since last year when I wanted to lose weight. And remember that small changes are a step in the right direction.                                                                  My Weight Loss Rules: Drink water! Do not choose soda as a beverage of choice. Work out whenever I feel like it. Most days I ride my elliptical for at least 15 minutes or do the 30 Day Shred. Some activity is better than none. No fast food. Stay away from high calorie beverages. In other words, don't drink my calories. Eat raw vegetables and fruit. Make smart choices. For example, if there is a tray of chocolate desserts or fruit, obviously I would choose the fruit. Don't beat myself up about binging. I'm human. It happens. I am

Slow & Steady

     Personally, I think I have come a long way from January of last year. I decided to make healthier life choices when I realized my jean size was steady rising. For someone now to tell me I'm fat or need to lose weight only makes me wonder what they would say if they saw me back then or if they knew me what they were thinking. That I'm a cow? Whale? A lot of people, fit and skinnier ones to be exact, don't realize how hurtful their words are to someone who is overweight or obese. Yes, we gained the weight on our own but they have no idea why. Mine started after I stopped eating for weeks in middle school all because the guy I liked told me to lose 20 pounds before he would even consider talking me. That felt like a punch to the face. I fed my food to my dog. Then when my mom noticed something wrong and the hospital threatened to feed me through a tube, I started eating again. It was hard for me to stop eating once I started again because that is how I dealt with my feeli


     Finally the weekend has arrived. I have birthday money left over so first thing I'm doing tomorrow is getting a pedicure. I haven't had one in FOR EVER. My feet are scary looking. Hopefully this weekend my boyfriend will also go on a job searching spree. He quit his last job due to the fact that his checks always bounced and the funds were never available. He needs to get another job so he can save for us to move in together.      This week I've heard several people ask or tell me I've lost weight which has made me feel good. I haven't been exercising as much as I should but oh well. I've been watching what I eat so I guess it balances out. Since the weekend weather is supposed to be decent, I'm hoping I can ride my bike on the 3 mile bike path and maybe even get my boyfriend to come with me. I hate doing things alone.Working out is a lot more fun and easier when you're with a partner or multiple people.      On weekends I try to be productive and

Considering No More Goals

     For the new year I wrote a list of goals down. Most of the time I also write small monthly goals. I am nowhere near any of my goals period. I'm not working out to lose weight. I need a money tree to help me get my wisdom teeth taken out and to help me move out. Plus I need to buy a car at some point since my transmission is getting worse. I don't think I am going to make any more goals since I barely ever accomplish them to begin with.      Giving up is not something I want to do but making these goals seem pointless. I'm not going to save up enough money fast enough to move out and get a new car and pay for school on top of that. I can't keep putting my wisdom teeth on the back burner either because they are starting to cause more problems in my mouth then just pain. I know I should just relax and take things one at a time but I want to get everything done so I won't have to deal with it in the future.      Maybe I should start calling these goals long term

Open House!

     On February 21, I will be attending the open house session at my community college campus for the Certified Nurse Aide program that they offer. I will need about $1000 to pay for the program. I already over half saved. Hopefully at the informational session I will be able to figure out if it will be worth it or not. The only issue with spending the money in my savings on this program is that I will have to save up even more money twice as fast in time for classes next semester.      My community college website doesn't list whether I need certain classes to attend the program or even how to apply. I wish I knew so I could be a few steps ahead. The only reason I'm choosing to stay at my community college for this type of program is because of the location (I can go right after work) and because I'm already registered with the school. I don't want to have to re-apply to schools and other programs and fill out a butt load of paper work.     The only thing I don'