Certification Time!

     Yesterday at the CNA informational session, I realized I'm making the right choice. The instructor told us pretty much everything we needed to know about the program. She even told us what our certification test was on. We will have a 70 question written part of the state exam. Then they call 2 people at a time to perform a 25 minutes skills part. The lecture and clinical portion of the program will help prepare us for the state board exam.
     Our uniforms will consist of white scrubs and white shoes. We will also need a stethoscope, the textbook,workbook, and a 2 step TB test. They just started doing background checks so I will need to get one of those as well. The lecture part is a total of 80 hours and the clinical part is a total of 40. We go to real nursing homes to do the clinical portion. The only thing that sucks about starting this is that I have to wait until the fall semester to start. The good thing is that the evening times will work perfect with my full time work schedule.
     Since my tax refund will be deposited into my savings account, I will have enough to pay for my classes as soon as I register for them. I had estimated earlier before the info session that I would need roughly $1100 for the program but I think it cost $1000 or under. They aren't picky about what shoes we need just as long as they are white, same thing with scrubs. A stethoscope only costs like $10 at my community college bookstore. The book and workbook are $50 each. I'm pretty much set and ready.
     I'm really excited to begin this new journey. My pre-reqs for the nursing program will be pushed back for a semester but I have plenty of time. I will eventually have a job in healthcare where I'm constantly moving. This will tell me if I should spend the money on the nursing program or not.  I like my job now, it's just that it doesn't have anything to do with my career field and I sit ALL DAY LONG! The best part about all of this is having the support from my parents. Cheers to new beginnings :)


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