There isn't a set topic for this blog entry. It is going to be a rant of things that are currently on my mind driving me nuts. Just giving you readers a fair and early warning. Here it goes.
     First off, my teacher has yet to post a rubric we need to use for our article review assignments. It is not due until after spring break which is a week away, but I like to get my shit done early so that it is one less thing I need to get to done. She is nice don't get me wrong, but I wish she was more on top of posting things on Blackboard. Also, some of the people in my class clearly are fresh out of high school. Their maturity level says it all. It's annoying when they talk while the teacher is talking and trying to explain things. Let me say I do turn into a mega bitch when I have to tell people like that to shut up because the government nor mommy/daddy are paying for my education. It all comes out of pocket, so when I tell you to please be quite, take that as a nice warning.
     Work is getting on my last nerve. Between my boss always hovering over my shoulder and customers calling or walking in when I'm trying to do homework assignments, somethings got to give. It's getting old quick. And since I have decided to go through with the nurse aide program, I'm currently debating quitting my full time job to do lecture and clinical during the day instead of at night. At my college campus, the parking lots are not properly lit up. It's very dark and I always have a weapon in my hand. I don't receive any type of benefits at this job (health, dental insurance,etc). I do make $10 an hour which is what is paying for my college at this moment. I can't depend on someday winning the lottery, so this is as close as it gets for now :/
     The debate of getting a part time job while going to college full time always enters my mind. I think the main reason for this is because I'm not happy. Who is seriously happy getting up at dawn like a bird and sitting at a desk for 7 hours 5 days a week? My thoughts exactly. I've never served food but it would be a great workout and a challenge. Plus I could leave each night with cash, not wait 2 weeks for my paycheck.  Yea I like the money I make now, just not the hours and having to sit all day. Plus my boss and the guys who work here don't believe in women lifting boxes or doing any other types of physical labor besides cleaning. Another issue, is after I finish like 4 more classes, I will microbiology and anatomy/physiology 1&2 left. I don't want to take those all together because they are the hardest. That's why I saved those for my last semesters. So maybe staying here at my current job is what I will do until I get accepted into the nursing program.
     My weight loss is at a stand still. I haven't been working out due to homework, family issues, and other shit that pops up out of nowhere. I haven't lost or gained any weight back so that is good. My eating habits haven't changed either. No soda or fast food. The other night my family went out for Bar-B-Que and instead of the steak fries, I substituted them for a side salad. That is how I know my eating habits have changed A LOT since January of 2012.  I'm slowly working towards my weight loss goal. One day I know I will have a slimmer body. It is just going to take more time since I'm juggling so many things at once.
     In my type of perfect "reality", I would get up around 9, have classes all day until about 3 or 4p.m., then have a part time job working 3 or 4 days a week. Gym time would also be a daily occurrence in my schedule. I'm glad my parents don't pay for everything but sometimes I think it would be nice if I only had to worry about college and not everything else on top of that. For those of you who read this, thank you. It feels so good to get all of this off my chest. Now I must get to a 7 hour work day of sitting on my ass, listening to customers complain and argue with me. Happy Monday.


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