Open House!

     On February 21, I will be attending the open house session at my community college campus for the Certified Nurse Aide program that they offer. I will need about $1000 to pay for the program. I already over half saved. Hopefully at the informational session I will be able to figure out if it will be worth it or not. The only issue with spending the money in my savings on this program is that I will have to save up even more money twice as fast in time for classes next semester.
     My community college website doesn't list whether I need certain classes to attend the program or even how to apply. I wish I knew so I could be a few steps ahead. The only reason I'm choosing to stay at my community college for this type of program is because of the location (I can go right after work) and because I'm already registered with the school. I don't want to have to re-apply to schools and other programs and fill out a butt load of paper work.
    The only thing I don't know about yet, which I'm sure will be covered in the open house session, is whether the clinical part will be only available during the day or if they offer evening clinicals. I don't think I would be able to do day clinicals since I work during the day and not having a job is not an option for me at this time. The hardest part about being an adult (in the short time I've been one) is trying to make the best decisions. Sometimes what you think is best for you turns out not to be and what you thought wasn't was. I am definitely regretting all of those times I said "I wish I was older".  Being an adult sucks sometimes.
     I'm trying to be as open minded and hopeful as possible. I'm hoping that the theory and clinicals are offered in the evening hours so that I can continue to work full time and save money for other college classes. Let's just say that the classes aren't offered during the evening. What would I do? Would I quit my job to go to school for this program? Would I still manage to pay my bills and have gas money? These are questions I always ponder because I don't want to make a decision I think is right and then everything turns out to be wrong.
     I want to be happy. I want to have a great health care career. Becoming a CNA will helping decide whether this field is right for me. I know I love helping others. I've been taking care of my grandma for years and I really enjoy it. But I also don't want to waste all of the money I've earned on a career I end up not liking or not being able to excel at. Decisions are so hard to make but I've got to do what's right for me. The open house will tell me what I need and should do. I just hope that whatever path I choose is the right one.


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