My rules for weight loss.

     Everyone has ways for themselves to lose weight. Some go on strict diets while others work multiple times a day. My schedule is kind of busy with work, school and many other things that I fit in on a daily basis. So here is a list of rules I have given myself since last year when I wanted to lose weight. And remember that small changes are a step in the right direction.

                                                                My Weight Loss Rules:
  • Drink water! Do not choose soda as a beverage of choice.
  • Work out whenever I feel like it. Most days I ride my elliptical for at least 15 minutes or do the 30 Day Shred. Some activity is better than none.
  • No fast food.
  • Stay away from high calorie beverages. In other words, don't drink my calories.
  • Eat raw vegetables and fruit.
  • Make smart choices. For example, if there is a tray of chocolate desserts or fruit, obviously I would choose the fruit.
  • Don't beat myself up about binging. I'm human. It happens.
  • I am not on a specific diet. I'm simply making smarter food choices for a healthier lifestyle.
  • I don't tell myself I can't have my favorite foods because I would probably eat them anyway. I just watch my portions. For example, I only eat one slice of pizza instead of 2 or 3 like I used to do.
  • Don't count calories. I don't count them because last year when I started changing my eating habits, I stressed myself out about my calorie intake. Now I just watch what I'm eating or about to eat.
     Hopefully these tips will help others who have a busy schedule or who want to start their weight loss journey. I lost a total of 7 pounds last year and I've lost 2 so far this year just by following my rules. Good luck :)


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