
Showing posts from April, 2013

There's gotta be something more....

     I'm counting down the days I have left sitting in this desk chair....literally! I start the nurse aide program in 20 days. I ordered my textbook and workbook today just to get a head start. I need to get my TB testing done, buy my white scrubs, i.d. holder and clip for the clinical part. I get annoyed so easily at this job now it is not even funny. The biggest thing is when customers call and ask dumb questions like "Am I still on the schedule for so and so date?" And I'm like "Yes you are" when I really want to say "Did I call and tell you we changed your date?"      I can only hope I will succeed and become an awesome CNA. As long as I get a job moving, I don't care if it is at a nursing home, hospital, wherever. I can't wait. Sitting in a chair for three years listening to my boss brag about his kids going to a prestigious school bugs me too. Even though I go to community college, I still name drop it. I'm proud to

Money Makes the World Go Round

     In a previous blog entry, I mentioned the survey site I've been using this site for some time now. It does take a while to to earn the minimum payout of $20, depending on what surveys you get,  but it is all worth it. With each check I earn from this site, I put it directly into my college savings fund. It starts to add up after a while. Taking surveys is perfect for teens looking for extra income, stay at home moms, or people like me with a desk job who have LOTS of free time.If you have things you're trying to slowly save up for like a new summer wardrobe or new shoes, this is perfect for you.      The good thing about this site are the choices. You can do surveys, complete offers, watch videos, and you even earn 3 cent for checking in everyday! If you love shopping, sign in and shop to receive money back from stores you purchase from.  I know it doesn't seem like much for some, but to me, some money is better than none. Below, I have posted the link

Another Rant

     My work hours are Monday through Friday 8a.m. until 4p.m. This morning my boss was already getting on my nerves at 8:02 a.m. He started asking me all of these questions and asking for the phone numbers so he could call some customers. Dude, I just got here. Can you at least let my computer get up and running?      The money I make here is great but it gets so annoying. And lately, the customers that have been calling to schedule or ask questions have really bothered me. Most of the time when people call to schedule they ask directly for my boss thinking they will get a sooner date for their boat to be painted or worked on. Guess what? MY job is to schedule boats. So when I tell you the next available date and you don't like it, talking to my boss doesn't make the boats before you disappear.      On a positive note, I start the nurse aide program in 26 days. Yes, I have a countdown in my head and on Facebook. I can't wait to help people and be moving around instead of

Almost Done!

     Next Monday will be my last English 112 class and this Wednesday is my last Psychology class. This semester flew by even though I only took 2 classes on 2 separate days each week. There are only 28 days left until I start the lecture part of the nurse aide program! I'm so excited. It's all I keep thinking and talking about. I hope I make good grades this semester. I tried my hardest to do so. I've already finished all of the remaining assignments for each class. I'm ready for it to end.      I keep making a mental list in my head of things I still need to get and things to do for the nurse aide program. I want to get my TB test done and out of the way. Same with the background check. I will pick up the books needed for the lecture part when I turn in my rented English textbook. I think it is really weird how I like community college so much. I'm not saying I jump for joy when I know I have class, but I do smile when I say "I have class tonight." I th

In Need of a New Pattern

     Since I've decided to take the nurse aide course, I've been debating whether or not to keep working my desk job or find a job where I'm moving and interacting with people. I make good money here but there are some cons that come with working all day and taking part time night classes. The main issue is time. I go to school at the campus near my work in one city and after I have to drive home to another. It isn't too far (only like 25 minutes) but that will put a damper on my sleep in order to wake up for work the next morning at 6:30.      The main thing I've been telling myself to realize is what I'm getting the nurse aide certification for. It's so I can work in healthcare and be moving constantly and also to help people. So I don't plan on staying here forever and the program only takes a couple of months. So what I'm trying to decide is whether or not to stick it out until I get certified or take the nurse aide course during the day and wor

Better Care for Myself

     I really need to start taking better care of myself. Each night during the work week, I tell myself "I'm going to bed early". Does it happen? No. I lay there for like 2 hours before falling asleep. So I'm sleep deprived all week until the weekend when I can sleep in until about 10 a.m. I've been trying to lose weight and I always tell myself "I'm going to workout today". Do I do it? No. I either lay down and watch tv (worst excuse ever) or sit and talk with my mom about my day. Stress has also become more involved in my life recently and I need to manage it better.      It's not like I'm doing absolutely nothing to lose some weight and look and feel better about myself. I've made a lot of changes to my diet and routines to help improve my mental and physical health. It isn't easy, but I know I need to do it to live a healthier life.      Last week I had my 6 month visit with the dentist. The hygienist got onto me about my

4 days!

     On April 8, I will be registering for the lecture part of the nurse aide program! I am so excited! This semester has went by fast and I'm sure becoming an aide will too. I will be going to lecture and clinical on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 4:30 p.m. until 9:30 p.m. I have plenty of money in my savings to cover all of my expenses.      The only issue I've been thinking about is using math to do certain calculations. I'm not good at math at all. At work I have a handy dandy calculator to use in all situations where I have to calculate things. I hope the type and usage of math isn't too hard. Words cannot describe how excited I am for this though. This is all I have been thinking about since I went to the info session months ago. My parents support my decision and so does my boyfriend. Now it is just up to me to get it done!      As for this weekend coming up, I'm going to be having a yard sale Saturday in hopes of making some more extra money for sc