4 days!

     On April 8, I will be registering for the lecture part of the nurse aide program! I am so excited! This semester has went by fast and I'm sure becoming an aide will too. I will be going to lecture and clinical on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 4:30 p.m. until 9:30 p.m. I have plenty of money in my savings to cover all of my expenses.
     The only issue I've been thinking about is using math to do certain calculations. I'm not good at math at all. At work I have a handy dandy calculator to use in all situations where I have to calculate things. I hope the type and usage of math isn't too hard. Words cannot describe how excited I am for this though. This is all I have been thinking about since I went to the info session months ago. My parents support my decision and so does my boyfriend. Now it is just up to me to get it done!
     As for this weekend coming up, I'm going to be having a yard sale Saturday in hopes of making some more extra money for school and my trip to Pensacola Beach. The weather isn't supposed to be too warm but I'm tired of hoarding all the stuff in my room. So far this year, my life has been great and I really can't complain :)


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