Better Care for Myself

     I really need to start taking better care of myself. Each night during the work week, I tell myself "I'm going to bed early". Does it happen? No. I lay there for like 2 hours before falling asleep. So I'm sleep deprived all week until the weekend when I can sleep in until about 10 a.m. I've been trying to lose weight and I always tell myself "I'm going to workout today". Do I do it? No. I either lay down and watch tv (worst excuse ever) or sit and talk with my mom about my day. Stress has also become more involved in my life recently and I need to manage it better.
     It's not like I'm doing absolutely nothing to lose some weight and look and feel better about myself. I've made a lot of changes to my diet and routines to help improve my mental and physical health. It isn't easy, but I know I need to do it to live a healthier life.
     Last week I had my 6 month visit with the dentist. The hygienist got onto me about my gingivitis issues once again and bitched at me because I hardly ever floss. My excuse has always been that I just didn't have the time. Then I looked more deeply into the disease since I'm older now. I have flossed every night since that dentist visit and don't plan on stopping. I don't want it to progress into periodontal disease. I love my teeth and would never want them to fall out.
     As far as eating goes, I've been keeping away from junk food for the most part. I still eat out once in a while and it usually is Mexican. I stay away from sodas unless my craving for a Pepsi is so strong that I cave, which is usually only twice a month as opposed to 3 or more a day! I'm drinking more water than I used to and hot tea with lemon is still my all time favorite.
     I have a long way to go but once I get a better pattern going with work, school and the rec center, I will do fine. I know I need to step it up. I only swim at the recreation center twice a week. My boyfriend wants to start going to the gym there as well, so we are going tomorrow morning when it will hopefully be less crowded.
     What matters is the fact that I'm trying. I could still be eating flaming hot Cheetos and drinking Pepsi all day, but I'm not. I feel better just by the simple changes and choices I'm making. Losing or gaining weight doesn't happen over night. It is a process that takes time. And I've finally accepted the fact it will take more than 1 week or 1 month to get the results I want. In order to take better care of myself, I plan on laying in bed an hour before I normally would so I can fall asleep on time, keep eating healthier, steer clear of sodas, more physical activity, and so on. It will be difficult at first but it will be worth it.


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