There's gotta be something more....

     I'm counting down the days I have left sitting in this desk chair....literally! I start the nurse aide program in 20 days. I ordered my textbook and workbook today just to get a head start. I need to get my TB testing done, buy my white scrubs, i.d. holder and clip for the clinical part. I get annoyed so easily at this job now it is not even funny. The biggest thing is when customers call and ask dumb questions like "Am I still on the schedule for so and so date?" And I'm like "Yes you are" when I really want to say "Did I call and tell you we changed your date?"
     I can only hope I will succeed and become an awesome CNA. As long as I get a job moving, I don't care if it is at a nursing home, hospital, wherever. I can't wait. Sitting in a chair for three years listening to my boss brag about his kids going to a prestigious school bugs me too. Even though I go to community college, I still name drop it. I'm proud to go. At least I'm not working multiple minimum wage jobs just to get by and buy drugs and alcohol. Wanting a career is expensive, but it takes money to make money.
     When I do finish the program and become certified, I don't know exactly what I'm going to say to my current boss when I take a job as a nurse aide. I don't know if I should just say "Hey my last day is so and so" or "Hey, I received my nurse aide certification and I've accepted a job as one." As many of you can tell, I really like to plan ahead and have everything ready. The only thing I will worry about when I leave this job is the money. Nurse aide pay ranged depending where the job is located. I make $10 an hour now. If I go from $10 an hour to making $9.50 or something, I will really need to learn to tighten my budget.
     The one thing I always tell myself is that when I got my first job in retail when I was like 15 or 16 years old, I should have started saving. Even if I had no plans on going to college, it still should have been saved in case I needed it or like now, I could of used it for my college tuition. The things I look back on now are things I will teach my future children NOT to do. They will start saving their money when they start earning an allowance for chores. I will make sure some of it goes into a fund just in case they want to go to college. 
     My last class for the semester was last night. I'm waiting for my grades to be posted. I'm thinking I passed because I never missed any classes unless they were cancelled and I turned in every assignment on the syllabus. As I wait, all I keep thinking about is the program. I can't wait to learn how to take care of people and meet new people. In my office now, it is only my boss and myself. I sit in the main office to greet customers (which is rare because they usually drop off and pick their boats up during hours when we are closed). My boss' office is in the same room but separated by a wall and door, if that makes sense. It's lonely and I never have anyone to interact with.


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