Almost Done!

     Next Monday will be my last English 112 class and this Wednesday is my last Psychology class. This semester flew by even though I only took 2 classes on 2 separate days each week. There are only 28 days left until I start the lecture part of the nurse aide program! I'm so excited. It's all I keep thinking and talking about. I hope I make good grades this semester. I tried my hardest to do so. I've already finished all of the remaining assignments for each class. I'm ready for it to end.
     I keep making a mental list in my head of things I still need to get and things to do for the nurse aide program. I want to get my TB test done and out of the way. Same with the background check. I will pick up the books needed for the lecture part when I turn in my rented English textbook. I think it is really weird how I like community college so much. I'm not saying I jump for joy when I know I have class, but I do smile when I say "I have class tonight." I think most of it is just knowing I'm one step closer to finally becoming a RN.
     Along with the semester coming to an end, my boyfriend finally got a job! It took long enough. The other jobs he had wouldn't work out due to transportation issues. This job at Papa Johns is closer to his house so he will have NO EXCUSES. I'm also finally going to be able to drop my car off and have work done on it. I have an entire list of things. The main one being that the passenger window quit working compelled. The auto shop also found out Saturday that I have a seal above my motor leaking oil, so that will be fixed too. When I drop it off tomorrow, I'm just going to say whatever needs fixing, fix it.


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