Open the Windows

     Being a full time student always means cash is tight. I work every other weekend and my AMAZING boyfriend sends me some extra money here and there to buy groceries and get by. I always pay my bills before I eat out or spend it on school supplies and such. In the winter time, my power bill is outrageous. It will run anywhere from $150-$280. When the first hint of warm weather rolls around, the heat is shut down and when it gets warmer, the windows go up. It pays off to open the windows because I checked my power bill statement and my bill is only $35! Is this real? I had to do a double take. My house is comfortable to. It isn't like I'm sweating just sitting down and have all of my ceiling fans going. There is a decent breeze. This makes me happy. That means I will have some extra money left on payday to get a new bathing suit and maybe even get my hair trimmed. Saving money and having small bills due (none are better lol) makes me feel great. It depends on the person especially if you take into consideration the people who have horrible allergies, live in super hot humid places, and menopause (hot flashes). But if your reading this and deal with none of the above, try it. See how much you save within the first month :)


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