Another Social Media Break....

     We all know I am the queen of taking social media breaks but never sticking to them. I have decided that on February 1st, I will take ANOTHER break from social media to focus on my weight loss and healthy eating habits. I have took a before picture on January 1st and I plan to take this break for 117 days. Why 117 days you ask? Because if I start this break on the first and last 117 days, it will be Memorial Day and that is when everyone officially breaks out the bikinis and open the pools and beaches. I'm not expecting major results since I just got back into these healthier habits, but I'd like to see what type of progress I can make without distractions. I have noticed I often find myself comparing my body to the bodies of celebrities I see on my news feed or while I'm scrolling through my Instagram. It makes me feel like I have an overwhelming amount of work to do and I don't want to rush. I also don;t want to stress myself out about this weight loss stuff since I am an emotional eater. I'm hoping this break will benefit me and help me stay on track instead of wasting my time comparing my body to others. My boyfriend isn't on board with this whole weight loss thing even though he says he is. He still eats a lot of fast food and does not drink enough water. This is going to be hard doing this by myself but I have to be strong. I have to remind myself that I want to fuel my body with healthy foods. When you eat good, you feel good.


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