Do I Really Want to Beome an RN?

     Lately I have been really wanting to go back to school. It has always been my ultimate goal to have my BSN. I have worked my way from a CNA to a LPN and now I am wanting to go back for my RN. But I've been asking myself if I really want to deal with the stress, studying, early clinicals, and case studies. Plus I'm horrible at math and I know there is going to be math on the placement exam for the program. Another lady I went to LPN school is debating about the same thing. She wants to go back to the school we graduated from but it is so much money since they are a for-profit school. Good universities in my area want statistics, chemistry, and college algebra. Those classes alone would take me forever because math is my worst enemy. I don't even want to go back just for higher pay (although that is a plus). I want to be able to tell people I'm a RN when they ask what I do or what I am. It's always been my number one goal and I think I need to start truly deciding and planning on doing it while I'm young. Part of me wants to get it out of the way and the other part of me doesn't want to face the stress and everything else that comes along with nursing school.


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