Ups & Downs

     At the beginning of this month, I was serious about starting my health journey over again. I bought a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables and started cooking more chicken to help me stay on track. The worst part about trying to get healthy again after battling the ups and downs life throws at us is trying to be serious and get back in the rhythm. I was working out 3, 4, sometimes 5 days a week up until recently when something happened to my back. I don't know if my form was bad when doing planks or mountain climbers or if I didn't warm up enough, but my back has killed me for the last several days. Working out and eating healthy isn't a problem for me since I love sweating and feeling bad ass after a workout. I could live off of fruits, vegetables, and salads, It's what I eat in between my workouts and healthy meals that is keeping me from reaching my goals. I have a horrible habit of buying Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts coffee even if I brew coffee before work at my house. If I crave a chicken sandwich from Chic Fil A or Wendy's, I go for it. I have no self control and it seems like the more stressed out I get, the more control I lose over my cravings. This has to stop. I've been an emotional eater my whole life due to anxiety and depression. One thing I told myself was that this year I would stop letting my anxiety control me and obviously it still has a grip on my emotions. I will get it together eventually. I'm just waiting for the day when my mind finally clicks and says "You do not need this shit food, go home and workout."


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