Gym Anxiety: Officially A Thing of My Past!

     After work on Saturday, I had the random urge to finally go to the gym and I am proud to say that today was my third day going in a row! I think I have finally conquered my fear of going to the gym since my anxiety is under control. This is something I have been wanting to do again for the last year and half. I basically told myself on the way to the gym that these are people and I am a person. No one is here to judge me or hurt me. We are all here at the gym for the same reasons: to look good naked and look good this summer. Through positive self talk and focusing on myself, especially my breathing, I did what I set out to do. Anxiety is all a mind game. You have to stay focused and remember that it is mind over matter. The thoughts that anxiety creates inside the mind of someone suffering from it are all made up. They are silly. They mean nothing. These thoughts are there to do what anxiety is made for which is hyping someone up and making them breathe too fast, get sweaty, and freak out. Not today Satan. I am finally learning how to put all of these stupid, crazy, made up scenarios on the back burner and not even think about them. Even if you have to tell yourself in your mind or out loud (if it helps) to stop it and to quit thinking about the thoughts, do it. I have been doing it and it is working. Every day is a battle but I'm slowly managing to make it through with less feelings of fear and anxiousness. In all, I hope sharing my battle with anxiety, depression, and anything else I share on my blog can help others going through the same thing. I want anyone to know who suffers what I suffer from that you are not alone. We are in this battle together.


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