May 26th

May 26 couldn't come any sooner! I am so ready to cut my hair for Locks of Love. I haven't had a haircut in years. My mom trims my hair every now and then and sometimes I just want to tell her to cut it all off and we will send it now. I don't exactly know why I chose the 26 of May as my cut off date. I guess that is a good time right before summer starts. I plan to alternate between donations. This year, I will give my hair to Locks of Love, and the next time I grow it out to cut will be for Wigs for Kids. I really encourage anyone who has all natural hair to donate to these causes. It gives someone their confidence back and it is better than your hair being thrown in the trash. The minimum length is 10 inches for layered hair which is what I have. Last time I measured, my longest layer was 13 inches. I thought I would cry or be nervous when I cut it, but I'm to the point now where I'm just over my hair because it is so long. I can't wait!


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