So the other day....

The other day when I stepped on the scale and saw that I had gained back the weight I lost, I was so angry. I have completely changed my eating habits and I know that I can do this. I want a good looking body more than anything. I'm so tired of being self conscious when I'm walking, wondering if people are watching my thighs jiggle or looking at how fat my ass is. My ultimate goal is to wear and walk around in just my bikini not worrying about how I look. People that have fast metabolisms that burn food as soon as they eat it are lucky. They have no idea how it feels to shop for certain types of clothes to cover areas that make you feel like a whale. I have never been comfortable with my body and for once in my life I want to say "Damn I look good." I know that it is going to be hard work, but it will definitely be worth it once I reach my goal. Plus I really want my belly button pierced. I had lost 3 pounds and gained it. I was so close to losing the 5 I had said I had to lose in order to get it pierced. From here on out, no more bull crap. No more cheating or sneaking bad foods and I am going to try and drink as much water as possible. I get paid Friday so I plan on buying a lot of healthy snacks and things to pack in my lunches. Dieting and eating healthy is probably one of the most complicated and hard things ever.


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