Reality Finally Hits Me.

I have been working full time at the job I'm currently at for about 2 years now. The pay is great and so are my co-workers. But why did I choose to work full time after high school? No one told me I had to work almost everyday. I guess I chose to take the job because at the time I needed a better one with better pay. When it came time to register for some community college classes, I knew I would have to go part time because of my work schedule. Which is what I did since I wanted to apply to a nursing program at Sentara. I did very well during my first semester and made decent grades. Yesterday evening I went to an informational session about Hampton University's Nursing School. I loved what the adviser talked about. It made me so excited and I would rather go there since it is closer. But since that program was under revision, Chemistry is REQUIRED. I never took any AP classes or any other types of classes in high school that would eventually transfer over to a college. I suck at math and chemistry was the last thing on my mind. But now that I know we have to have that just to consider applying to the school, I am going to take it. She checked over my transcripts to see if any of the college classes I have already taken would transfer. NOPE. Because Sentara has a different curriculum than Hampton U. So with all of this in mind, reality finally hit me. I have wasted a semester at community college when I could have just looked at Hamptons program and got some pre-requisites out of the way. Instead of taking 4-6 classes each semester, I only took 3 because of my work schedule. What a waste. I've been working full time like I'm a 30 year old adult, instead of focusing on school and working part time like normal 20 year olds. I thought really long and hard about this last night and I have to go to school full time in order to get anything college related done. Now knowing that I need chemistry just to apply to the other program, this sets me back a whole semester and now I have to wait until March 2013 to apply at Hampton U. This is going to be hard at first learning to re-budget myself with a smaller amount of income each month, but I know in the long run, it will all be worth while.


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