Setting Goals

I start Chemistry this fall at community college so that I can apply to  a University nursing school. I have set some academic goals for myself this semester. Even though I suck at math, I really want to try and excel in Chemistry so that when I take college Chemistry, I will kind of know what I'm doing. My academic goals are as follows:
  • Have at LEAST a "B" average 
  • Never miss a class
  • Ask for help when I need it
  • Be interested in it, since I will be taking it for a whole semester
  • Enjoy it, Learning is FUN
  • Do not fail this class. It will show up on my transcripts :/
I never took Chemistry in high school and Algebra and I do not get along. But I believe in myself and I want to go to nursing school so bad that I know I can achieve these goals as long as I put my mind to it.


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