Size 2? No Thank You

For the record, I do not have any issues with super skinny or super big people, but this is just something that I see and it kind of bothers me. I see a lot of pictures on the internet, in magazines, and on t.v commercials with all of these really skinny girls. But what about "big" girls who aren't made to be a size 2 or 00? Not every girl in the world is attractive without curves  and to some people girls with curves are gross. Who came up with the idea that being skinny is the only way to be accepted by society? Whatever happened to meeting someone and deciding to be-friend them by their personality or character instead of their weight? I'm saying all of this because my weight loss goal is absolutely NOT becoming a size 2 or even a 5 for that matter. When I lose all of this unnecessary weight, I want to be a 9, maybe even a 7. But I want to keep my ass and my boobs. I was never ashamed of being the size I was/still am, I just wanted to be fit and healthy. I've always been the "big" girl where ever I went, but at least I'm not afraid to eat. I decided to lose weight due to health issues I didn't want later on down the road. I think each person is really beautiful in their own way and to judge someone based on their weight is absurd.


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