Saving and Waiting

I go to open house for nursing school in 8 days! I am so excited to have such a positive change in my life. Later this week I will be having a yard sale to hopefully make some money to put towards school. I've been saving here and there for a little while because I knew I would need money for community college, so since I'm transferring from there I will use that money too. The more I save and pay out of pocket, the better. Loans scare me but that is the only way to go since I'm not rich and neither are my parents. My only obstacle left to over come is finding a decent part time that pays pretty well and that will work with my schedule. I have always loved retail so maybe I can find a job at the mall or something. I would love to try serving or be a waitress but most places want people who are experienced. Luckily for me, I have barely any bills. I have to pay my phone bill, credit card bill, and have money for gas and car repairs. That's it. Thankfully my parents don't charge me rent :) Waiting until January to start school is going to seem like forever. But in the meantime, this gives me a chance to save my money and prepare for a huge change in my life.


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