Moving Out

     This Saturday my mom and I are having a yard sale to sell my grandmas stuff. Once the house is empty, I'll be able to start ripping out the carpet and putting new carpet down. I already tore out most of the carpet in what will be my bedroom. This is a huge reality check for me because it shows me how expensive materials are. Carpet ranges anywhere from $0.94-$5.00 or more per square foot. I don't want nothing to expensive but I also don't want it to look cheap either. I need to find someone to lay it for me so I can save a little money on labor costs. Windows are something I'll eventually replace and they will be expensive too. I ordered a lot of things I NEEDED, not wanted, from Walmart. I got my vacuum, pantry, microwave cart, and tons of other things. I used site to store and all of my items get shipped to my Walmart for free.
     I can't believe I will be moving out and on my own. It's exciting but scary at the same time. I still need to get money to hook up the cable and internet. I'll need money for my first ever grocery trip, which I've already printed coupons for. Rent is fairly cheap so of course that will be the first thing I pay every month. I wish I could have saved more money but things happen unexpectedly. I'll love thinking of the memories I made with my Memaw in that house every time I cook or clean and mow the grass. I know she would be proud and happy for me to take over her home.


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