Research Papers

     Oh the joy of being in college. I'm currently enrolled in Child Psychology and we were given the assignment to write a research paper that includes 6-8 pages of research not including the cover sheet and reference page. I love community college. It's fairly simple and it works great with my work schedule. The homework isn't an overload and tests and quizzes for the classes I've taken are pretty scarce and rare. When it comes to research papers, the only part I hate is actually writing the paper and doing my reference page. I love learning and doing the research on my given topic which for this class paper is Down Syndrome. But when I have to give credit and cite the person(s) who said things right after I type the sentence, it gets frustrating and annoying. Plus I have to reread all of the information I wrote down or highlighted and figure out when and where to put it in the paper. It should be common sense that I'm not an expert on DS and I don't know the names of all the chromosomes and stuff, but I guess when credit is due, it's due.
     The good thing about my desk job, especially at this time of year, is that we are SLOW. So that means I have plenty of time to make drafts and write the paper the best way possible. The only issue I have left to face is finding two book sources for information. I can't go to the library at my school because I work ALL DAY and by the time I get off, I'm ready to chill and do house duties. So I guess I need to fit it in my schedule to go to the public library at some point and check out books. I really hate this crap. And the thing that sucks is that this is only my first APA paper of many. Since I'm majoring in nursing, the majority of the first year or two is writing APA papers. Yay me. I'd rather do research and throw it all onto note cards and do a presentation instead of writing a miniature book.


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