Simple Changes

     Today is the second day that I've eaten breakfast. I know. You're probably saying "big deal" or whatever but I never eat breakfast early, especially at 7 a.m. I like to eat breakfast around 9 but I can't since I have work. So I'm doing good. I've been eating the Bagel Thins made by Thomas. They are awesome and they only have 110 calories. I only eat half the bagel so that is even less calories. For my weight loss, I'm not focusing too much on calories. My main focus is portion control. I've been doing very well with eating only halves like for sandwiches, subs, and anything else you can divide. I do indulge on fruit and veggies because they are delicious and good for you. I've been trying to drink water as my daily beverage and it has been working out. Yesterday during my class break, I went to the vending machine and they had my favorite Gold Peak Sweet Tea, I chose water. Yes, I chose water! That is an awesome feat for me.
     I've been trying to figure out  when my "cheat" day should be even though there shouldn't be one at all. But I love Mexican food and I know if I keep saying no, I'll end up giving in to temptation. I think once a month is okay. And the only other cheat time will be during that time of the month. I have to have chocolate. But even then it isn't so bad because I eat the Skinny Cow caramel filled chocolate squares. They're good and you get three squares. It's the perfect portion. Working out is something I need to step up. I can't ride my elliptical because of all my moving boxes. I need to start walking/jogging at night after work again like I used to do. I kind of enjoyed it even though I hate going by myself. I still see a difference when I wear my clothes which is great. I'd rather them fit loose than watch them start getting tight again. A weight loss journey is just that. It's a journey of success, failure, reaching goals, and missing goals. Trying is what makes it all count.


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