4 Clinical Days Left!

     After tonights clinical we only have 4 clinical days left until we can send in our stuff for state. Holy canolies, Time has really flown by. I'm kind of nervous about state only because we never know what skills we will get. I want to reward myself if I pass state on the first try but I don't know what to do. Should I have a party or go on a shopping spree? Go out to dinner or take a vacation? I don't know. I do know that I deserve SOMETHING for all of my hard work and dedication while working full time and taking care of my grandma. It's so awesome helping these people with daily tasks. It's even more awesome when they thank you and act so grateful for what you've done. I've realized that I'm kind of thankful for not being friends with some of the people I hung out with in high school because of where they are at in life compared to me. I got my life together pretty quickly after high school and some people just act like the world owes them something. You can only depend on yourself to make your goals and dreams a reality, that's why I'm at this level in life. Some people want to be successful and don't have the drive, others need inspiration, and many have no choice.
     I have no choice. I want to be financially stable. I want a nice house and nice car. I want to be proud of all of my accomplishments whether it be academically or career related. Sometimes when I read statuses on Facebook it makes me think how they expect to make a living or get a real life. You are not a baller because you sell drugs and sleep on your grandmas couch, hate to break that to you. Some people on Facebook make themselves look so pathetic and it makes me wish they would just get their crap together. I'm glad I've come this far. I'm glad I love the nurse aide program and I'm kind of ready to get state out of the way so I begin my career in healthcare. I'm on MY level and I will not stoop down to those who belittle me or think I act to old for my age. Sorry I'm not sorry for wanting to be successful and not living with my parents the rest of my life. One thing I've learned throughout my life is not to be there for those who aren't there for you and don't give someone respect when they don't respect you.


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